Tuesday, October 2, 2012

31 for 21: Day 2 "New Kid at School"

Sometimes I still feel like the new kid at school. For me this journey of Down Syndrome is "school". Now that we have past our first year of getting to know and understand what Down Syndrome is, and also to except that our daughter has Down Syndrome. Feeling like the newbie has its ups and downs. Having new things come up all the time, however are they just Down Syndrome issues or just being a new parent questions. I find myself asking more experienced parents questions about this, that and the other. There are days where I feel like I know everything there is to know, I mean I did scan chapters of our "Manual" Babies with Down Syndrome: A New Parents Guide. I am thankful for the group that I am apart of as I not only have made some great friends but they have always been a sounding board for me. I just might feel like the new kid until a new parent shows up and then I will turn into one of those more experience parents guiding them on this journey.

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